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Living Peacefully

The Art of Peaceful Living

4 JULY 2020

Peace underlies all that we hold to be true and makes our lives worth living; It underlies the quality of our happiness, our creativity and resourcefulness and also our full expression. In fact, peace underlies all that we need to live a joyous and fulfilling life. It is as such, that the importance of peace cannot be undermined. Hence, if you seek to be peaceful and to make
being peaceful, your preferred way of being, then this workshop is for you. This workshop can also be of assistance to those who suffer from emotional issues, stress, anxiety or even depression.

Please, join us on this journey.

For further information please contact us




Conscious Living
Being Heart-centred;
A Path to Conscious Living

31 OCTOBER 2020

Being heart-centred, means following the light and guidance of the heart. In so saying, it involves being connected to the heart and allowing the heart, to guide our choices. Yet, the heart-centred path in its essence, encourages us to be compassionate and open and therein lies its main benefits. It draws upon the philosophy of following our hearts in the bid to unfold
who we truly are. If you are drawn to this way of being, then this is a workshop for you. Moreover, if you seek peace in yourself and in the world, then this workshop would also be of benefit to you.

Please, join us on this journey.

For further information please contact us


Learning & Sharing

Community Gathering

4 OCTOBER 2020

This is usually an away day event, which is designed specifically for members to meet each other and to enjoy each other’s company whilst at the same time, sharing ways of living peacefully. If you would like to receive information by email about this event, please contact us.

For further information please contact us

"To attract peace; first, you must be peaceful"

(C) Being Peaceful

Designed by Corbett Creative

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